astrophil & stella
“A gem from a past age - subtly chiselled and full of emotion ... impressively celebrated with breathtaking virtuosity!”
“A gem from a past age - subtly chiselled and full of emotion ... impressively celebrated with breathtaking virtuosity!”
astrophil & stella performs and explores the musical and emotional worlds of expression of the 16th and early 17th centuries in unique vocal and instrumental programmes. It combines sensitive interpretations, playful virtuosity, research into repertoire and performance practice, musical dramaturgical ideas and a love of experimentation to create innovative concert formats. The ensemble often combines Renaissance and early Baroque music with new compositions, interactive and multimedia elements, thus building a bridge to today's audiences.
Founded and directed by flautist Johanna Bartz 2016 in Basel, astrophil & stella performs throughout Europe. On the occasion of the Luther Year 2017, the ensemble was honoured as the ‘Rheinsberger Hofkapelle’ and gave concerts as ensemble in residence at the local music academy and castle. In 2020, astrophil & stella was selected for the ECOS Lab for innovative concert formats of the Ecos Festival Sierra Espuña (ES). In 2024 the ensemble recorded its first CD with Italian music from around 1600,
‘A garden of black flowers’. The ensemble name means ‘star friend and star’ and comes from the sonnet collection of the same name by the English poet Sir Philip Sidney from 1591.
“An extraordinary musical experience!”
Musicians of the season 2024/25:
Charlotte Nachtsheim, Soprano
Giovanna Baviera, Viola da Gamba & Mezzo Soprano
Cyril Escoffier, Tenor
Anna Danilevskaia, Viola da Gamba
Filipa Meneses, Viola da Gamba
Martin Jantzen, Viola da Gamba
Bruno Hurtado, Viola da Gamba
Claire Piganiol, Harp
Vincent Kibildis, Harp and Music Editions
Guilherme Barroso, Lute and Vihuela
Mira Lange, Virginal
Philipp Lamprecht, Historical Percussion, Straw Fiddle, Dulcimer
Johanna Bartz, Renaissance Traverso and Direction